Minggu, 20 Januari 2013

(E) Homeschooling

School is the place where we study a lesson. Study at school is a must do for a children. In Indonesia, the goverment set to all Indonesia child for study 9 years. Elementry school until junior high school. But, not all parents want their childern study in that primary school, because of a problem their child. They send their child to homeschooling. The perents thing homeschooling is more good than primary school. There are three reason why some perents do that; protect their child from negative effect, his/her child has some prolem and their child is an artist.
                The first reason is protect their child from negative effect. Some parents worried what their child do in school, Who is his/her friend, or may be he/her do the right things or not. Their worried made a parents didn’t belive with primary school. Another reason there are many news about fighting between school, the bullying senior to junior and a violencing from their teacher. It’s make some parents send their child to homeschholing.
                The second reason is their child has some probelm. The most problem is the child cannot follow the lesson, so he must get a private lesson. The other problems are there is disable child, physical or mental. For example, the physical disable child is there kids paralyzed or loss his/her limb. And the mental disable is there kids has problem in their brain such as autism. That kids with all of this problem must get the special treatment for study.
                The last reason is their child is an artist. If your child is artist, they must follow the shooting schedule. Even the shooting schedule clash with school shedule. With this reason, some parents send his/her child to homeschooling, so their child can set their schedule beetwen shooting and study. That is very practice for them because if the shooting schedule change suddenly, their study can change to what ever they want.
                In conclution, homeschooling or primary school is same but homeschooling for the child with a special treatment or may be a full schedule child. Now, there are more parents send their child to homeschooling for study, because some reason. I think although there are homeschooling or primary school, we study for our future..

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