Jumat, 28 Desember 2012

(E) The Dangerous of Carbon Monoxide

Carbon moxide is a chemical element. Carbon monixide included one Carbon atom and one Oxygen atom. Chemical elemet has adventages for human, but not at all, it has disadvantages like Carbon Monoxide. This chemical element who called CO2 has many disadvantages effect for human body. CO2 maked because incompleted combution from vehicle dan industry. In this section, I will tell you 3 effect of CO2 for human bady; make you headache, loss of consciousness, and die.
The first effect is headache. CO2 is gas element. CO2 will make your body risk if you inhale that gas. The gas you inhaled went into your lung. The lung bring CO22 to your bloode, made your bloode didn’t work properly. CO2 poisened the blood. So, blood can’t carry oxygen to brain. The brain which need oxygen will lack. This lack of oxygen made you get a headache. If you inhaled the CO2 more, the pain of headache incressed in your head.
The second effect is loss of consciousness. It will happen if you inhaled the CO2 more. The brain lack of oxygen more faster. Beside that your headache will more worst.  Brain is the center of controlled your consciousness. The brain need oxygen to work. Loss of consciousness happened when the brain empty of oxygen. In this case, before you loss of your consciousness, you must out from the CO2 gas area. After that you must inhale the fresh air deeply to recover you brain and body.
The third effect is die. This is the worst effect from CO2. It happened if you are loss your consciousness, and no body helped. Your brain didn’t work, it’s same meaning your heart didin’t work too. Heart is what the life from. If you loss your consciousness too long and no one help, you will decease undoubtfully.
In Conclution, CO2 is the dangerous chemical element. Their produced near our live, such as vehicle and Industry. But, we can avoid it, with change our habbit. You can surrounding  your mouth with masker, avoid walking near public industry and protecting your body healthy. So, after you read this artical, don’t afraid if you in the outside or walk in the street. Just avoid some place where there has a high pollutan.

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