Jumat, 28 Desember 2012

(E) The Dangerous of Carbon Monoxide

Carbon moxide is a chemical element. Carbon monixide included one Carbon atom and one Oxygen atom. Chemical elemet has adventages for human, but not at all, it has disadvantages like Carbon Monoxide. This chemical element who called CO2 has many disadvantages effect for human body. CO2 maked because incompleted combution from vehicle dan industry. In this section, I will tell you 3 effect of CO2 for human bady; make you headache, loss of consciousness, and die.
The first effect is headache. CO2 is gas element. CO2 will make your body risk if you inhale that gas. The gas you inhaled went into your lung. The lung bring CO22 to your bloode, made your bloode didn’t work properly. CO2 poisened the blood. So, blood can’t carry oxygen to brain. The brain which need oxygen will lack. This lack of oxygen made you get a headache. If you inhaled the CO2 more, the pain of headache incressed in your head.
The second effect is loss of consciousness. It will happen if you inhaled the CO2 more. The brain lack of oxygen more faster. Beside that your headache will more worst.  Brain is the center of controlled your consciousness. The brain need oxygen to work. Loss of consciousness happened when the brain empty of oxygen. In this case, before you loss of your consciousness, you must out from the CO2 gas area. After that you must inhale the fresh air deeply to recover you brain and body.
The third effect is die. This is the worst effect from CO2. It happened if you are loss your consciousness, and no body helped. Your brain didn’t work, it’s same meaning your heart didin’t work too. Heart is what the life from. If you loss your consciousness too long and no one help, you will decease undoubtfully.
In Conclution, CO2 is the dangerous chemical element. Their produced near our live, such as vehicle and Industry. But, we can avoid it, with change our habbit. You can surrounding  your mouth with masker, avoid walking near public industry and protecting your body healthy. So, after you read this artical, don’t afraid if you in the outside or walk in the street. Just avoid some place where there has a high pollutan.

(E) Chemistry in Our Live

                 Chemistry. Many people doesn’t like this word, and the student hate this lesson in the school. But, if we know, chemistry is around you. For example, You breath the air everyday, everytime, every where. But, you didn’t knew what the air included. Did you know, air included oksigen (O2)for our live. Oxygen is a chemical unsure. In this time, I want to tell you about what chemistry is it. It diveded into a three part; the simple theory of chemistry, sistem of periodic unsure and the advantages and disadvantages of Chemistry.
                The first one is what is chemistry? Chemistry is the study about chemicals and there’s chemicals character. Atom is the part of builded chemical element. Atom devided into two parts, there are unsure atom and combination atom. Unsure atom is a individual atom and doesn’t contact with others atom. For example, Carbon (C), Floride (F), Cloride (Cl) and many more. Combination is opositte to unsure, Combination atom is either two atom or more atom bounded into one atom. The atom can from same unsure such as, Oxigen (O2) or from others like carbon monoxide (CO). There are many unsure atom and combination atom in the world. In this case, that is just a simple atom theory, if you was interested in chemistry, you can learn more harder because chemistry is more difficult than you think.  
                The second is sistem of periodic unsure. When we studied chemistry, we must know about this periodic sistem. Periodic unsure was prepared by Dmitri Mendeelev in 1869. Periodic sistem contains of 118 unsure. There were devide into 2 grup. The A grup and B grup (transision grup). The A grup has 8 catagory; Alkaline Metal, Alkaline Earth Metal, Boron, Carbon. Nitrogen, Oxygen, Halogen and Noble gas. The B grup is a transisition unsure, same with a grup there 8 catagory. Devided of periodic sistem based on character of the unsure.  The adventages of periodic unsuse are we know the character of that atom, such as liguid (H2O), solid (Ca), gas (H2)or  Aques (H2SO4). With periodic unsure we can know the number of atom too. For example, Oxygen (O2) the number of atom is 6. Number of atom helped you to found elevation electron.
               The last is advantages and disadvantages of chemistry. The advantages of chemistry, we can see in farmacy worked, there are many drug for all disease in the world. It is because chemistry chemical very usefull for pharmacist to make a drug. In the other field, Chemistry is important in agriculture or may be in millitery. There are just a little adventages of chemistry in our live. But the chemistry even make a bad side. With chemistry, people can make a bom. for example,  Natrium (Na) and water (H2O), if there were contacted, it would be exploded. But, it just a little bom. The more combination can make a big bom and a fire.
                In conclution, Chemistry is not horrible than we think. You can learn chemistry enjoyable. I think chemistry very interesting. There were had periodic sistem to helped you learned chemistry. But if you know, chemistry not ussually have an adventages. Chemistry has a disadvantages too. Don’t panic, the controlled laboratory could save you from the accident what didn’t want. Happy learning chemistry J

Selasa, 04 Desember 2012

(R) The Avengers

Identitas Film:
Director: Joss Whedon
Produser: Kevin Feige
Screenplay: Joss Whedon
Story: Zak Penn, Joss Whedon
Music: Alan Silvestri
Cinematography: Seamus McGarvey
Editing: Jeffrey Ford, Lisa Lassek
Studio:  Marvel Studios
Distribusi: Walt Disney Pictures
Release date:  April, 2012 (world premiere)
Durasi: 143 menit
Language: English
Budget 220 juta dollar

Robert Downey, Jr. sebagai Tony Stark / Iron Man
Chris Evans sebagai Steve Rogers / Captain America
Mark Ruffalo sebagai Dr. Bruce Banner / Hulk
Chris Hemsworth sebagai Thor
Scarlett Johansson sebagai Natasha Romanoff / Black Widow
Jeremy Renner sebagai Clint Barton / Hawkeye
Tom Hiddleston sebagai Loki
Samuel L. Jackson sebagai Nick Fury
Cobie Smulders sebagai Maria Hill

                Tesseract bereaksi diluar dugaan. Nick Fury (Samuel L. Jackson) pimpinan S.H.I.L.L.D memeriksa ke tesseract itu. Tiba-tiba tesseract mengeluarkan sebuah portal dari alam lain. Keluarlah Loki (Tom Hiddleston) dari Asgard. Disaat itu tidak ada yang berhasil melawannya ketika Ia menginginkan tesseract. Sialnya Clint Barton / Hawkeye (Jeremy Renner) dan Dr. Selving ahli tesseract dicuci otaknya, tesseract pun diambil. Agen Hill (Cobie Smulders) pun berusaha mengejar mereka, tapi mereka telah melarikan diri, laboratorium pun hancur.
                Fury akhirnya memutuskan untuk membuat proyek Avengers untuk menghadapi masalah ini. Blackwidow / Natasha Romanoff (Scarlett Johansson) ditugaskan untuk merekrut Dr. Banner / Hulk (Mark Ruffalo), Fury merekrut Steve Rogers / Captain America (Chris Evans) sedangakan Agen Phill merekrut Stark / Iron man (Robert Downey). Perekrutan berlangsung mulus, mereka dibawa kesebuah kapal laut besar yang dapat terbang. Sekarang kapal inilah sebagai markas dari S.H.I.L.L.D. Mereka berlima akhirnya diberi tugas untuk mengambil tesseract yang diambil Loki.
                Disaat yang sama Loki dan Clint merencanakan sesuatu untuk menghancurkan markas S.H.I.L.L.D itu. Clint pun menyamar menjadi anggota S.H.I.L.L.D dan Loki menjadi pengalih perhatian. Loki menyerang suatu kota di German. Steve dan Stark menghentikan Loki itu, Loki pun berhasil di tangkap. Namun saat berada diperjalanan, pesawat mereka diserang oleh Thor (Chris Hemsworth), saudara dari Loki. Sempat terjadi kesalahpahaman  antara Thor dengan Steve dan Stark, tapi akhirnya mereka bersahabat dan membawa Loki ke markas  S.H.I.L.L.D.  Loki dikurung di sebuah tahanan khusus didalam kapal.
                Terjadi pertikaian antara Avengers disini. Kelima anggota saling bertengkar tentang tesseract yang digunakan oleh S.H.I.L.L.D . Fury pun menegaskan kalau tesseract itu hanya untuk pertahanan dibumi, sedangkan Natasha menuduh Dr.Banner akan mengamuk menjadi hulk dan menyerang kapal. Saat pertikaian berlangsung, Clint yang menyusup menjadi anggota S.H.I.L.L.D menyerang markas tersebut. Ledakan terjadi dimana-mana. Steve dan Stark bekerja sama untuk menangani kerusakan mesin. Thor mengurus Dr. Banner yang mengamuk. Nathasa melawan Clint yang dicuci otaknya.
                Loki berhasil dibebaskan oleh bantuan Clint. Thor dan Banner terjatuh ke bumi. Untungnya Clint berhasil di sembuhkan dari cuci otak Loki. Agen Phill mati dalam serangan tersebut. Serangan itu membuat duka para Avengers dan Fury. Stark pun memutuskan untuk menyerang Loki yang sekarang ada di gedung barunya di Manhattam. Tesseract yang digunakan Dr. Selving sudah  membuka portal luar angkasa untuk mengirim para pasukan Loki untuk menghancurkan Bumi.
                Steve, Clint dan Natasha ikut membantu Stark. Ditengah pertarungan Thor dan Banner akhirnya datang dan ikut melawan pasukan Loki dan Loki itu sendiri. Gerbang tidak bisa ditutup, tidak ada kemampuan untuk menghancurkan tesseract. Pada akhirnya pimpinan S.H.I.L.L.D memutuskan meluncurkan nuklir ke Manhattam. Disaat yang sama Natasha dan Dr. Selvig (sudah sadar)menemukan cara menghancurkan gerbang itu, yaitu dengan menggunakan tongkat Loki.
                Stark membawa nuklir itu ke markas musuh di luar angkasa. Para musuh pun mati seperti kehilangan kendali. Gerbang  berhasil dihancurkan. Di akhir cerita Loki dan tesseract dibawa Thor untuk ditaruh di Asgard, sedangkan kelima Avengers lainnya diberi kebebasan untuk pergi kemana pun tanpa dimata-matai oleh S.H.I.L.L.D.

                Excelent, karya dari Kevin Feige ini membuat saya penggemar Avegers bangga setelah menonton film tersebut. Alur ceritanya sangat menarik dan unik. Aksi-aksi dari semua pemeran juga sangat bagus seperti pada comic-comic Avengers sebelumnya. Durasi waktu yang boleh dibilang lumayan lama ini tidak membuat penonton bosan. Semua tertutupi oleh acting pemeran dan monster-monster fiksi yang real. Tidak lupa lawakan-lawakan khas Robert Downey dan aktor lainnya membuat lucu para penonton. Film ini wajib untuk kita tonton.

                Sangat sulit menemukan kelemahan film ini. Kevin Feige membuat film Avengers ini dengan sempurna. Namun, pembagian tayang setiap karakter tidak sama rata. Robert Downey sang Iron Man lebih banyak muncul dibandingkan dengan Mark Ruffalo yang berperan sebagai Hulk. Mungkin itu saja yang dapat saya sampaikan. 

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